Archive for May, 2008
Culver City Art Walk
Today was the West Hollywood and Culver City Art Walks – we decided to go the Culver City one. We stopped in at least 10 gallerys (Basil came along in tow and was a very good dog, he didn’t growl at a single painting, although I think some deserved it). Some of the realist work […]
May 31st, 2008 by electricbob
Theme changes
I’ve just spent a fair part of the morning modifying images and changing CSS styles (and one php change to do the del, bookmarking thing) to try to make the theme look the way I like (and color it similarly to my main web site). I’d love comments back on your opinions of the changes […]
May 26th, 2008 by alephnaught
Mulholland Drive
We decided to go on a drive and consider David Lynch as well…. Mulholland Drive is a famous road that runs north of Los Angeles through the mountains. It twists and turns, dives and climbs, surrounded by green trees and mansions. The Canyon Country Store on Laurel Canyon Boulevard is a fixture from the sixties […]
May 26th, 2008 by alephnaught
Travel Writing for Profit and Pleasure
Title: Travel Writing for Profit and Pleasure Author: Perry Garfinkel Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: Plume (January 24, 1989) Language: English ISBN-10: 0452261597 ISBN-13: 978-0452261594 I liked this book; the first three quarters were all about how to get started writing travel articles for profit. The last part talked directly about the business itself – that […]
May 26th, 2008 by electricbob
Web site updates – added MediaWiki
In addition to hosting my blog directly, I’ve installed MediaWiki’s wiki tool. I’ve become co-manager of the MediaWiki implementation at work, so I figured I should install it here. It was fast and easy to get the wiki set up; the longest parts were FTPing the files to my web site and getting the MySQL […]
May 26th, 2008 by electricbob
Hopefully this is my blog’s new home
I’ve installed WordPress on my web site, which took perhaps 5 minutes, and moved my blog entries over here, which took perhaps 20 minutes. I’ve used a free template I found that looks okay along with some widgets. I’ll do more formatting after I take some time to catch up on entries.
May 23rd, 2008 by alephnaught
Sawtelle and Govindas
Got to kick everyone out of work early today. So, Aviva and I took a trip into West Hollywood. First, we stopped on Sawtelle. This is yet another Japanese area, with a few really cool stores like Giant Robot, which is a cool store that sells Japanese toys, books, and just general stuff; I bought […]
May 20th, 2008 by alephnaught
Still getting moved over
I’ve still got to finish moving the images over to my blog, then I’ll start adding some new entries. Most will be in the past, for example some of things we’ve done in Los Angeles. I’ll probably add a page to my travelogue for our trip out here (we drove from Chicago, IL, to Westlake […]
May 19th, 2008 by alephnaught
Switching blog tools
I haven’t posted anything new, although so much has changed in my life lately. Why? Turns out the company (and author) of the blogging software I’d been using, iblog, has left it in a semi-finished state that won’t run on Leopard (MacOS X 10.5); I’ll never buy anything from them again and suggest you don’t […]
May 17th, 2008 by alephnaught
Chinatown in Los Angeles
We decided to take a drive to Chinatown. Not as big as the ones in San Francisco, New York City or perhaps even Chicago, but its still pretty neat. There’s a big sign when you walk up The gates look really cool There are some nifty, oriental-looking buildings And of course a statue of Dr. […]
May 31st, 2008 by alephnaught