Los Angeles

King Tut exhibit
We visited the Los Angeles Science Center to see the King Tut exhibit. The exhibit was really nice – lighting made photography possible, and the texts were very informative. It was really crowded and it was possible to get close to all the objects I wanted to see. As usual I took a lot of […]

April 21st, 2018 by alephnaught
Exhibits at the Getty
We went up the hill to visit the Getty Museum – we especially wanted to see the new acquisitions exhibit (including a drawing by Michelangelo). We checked out some of the other special exhibits of course, and here are some pics…

July 7th, 2017 by alephnaught
La Brea Tar Pits and Museum
I’ve lived in Los Angeles for over eight years and hadn’t been here. Nathan and Ashley wanted to go so it seemed like a good opportunity. And it was fun! We had lunch at the LACMA cafe (its a short walk from the Tar Pits across a park along the Tar Pits Lake) and then […]

July 5th, 2017 by alephnaught
Anime Expo 2017
My son Nathan and his spouse Ashley came in to visit, and we spent two days at Anime Expo. It’s always fun – there are cool sessions and autograph opportunities along with an artist alley and exhibit hall full of people selling everything. This year was bigger than last year – on Saturday it was […]

September 19th, 2016 by alephnaught
Pics from Universal Studios
Nathan, Ashley and I spent the day at Universal Studios – we didn’t do any rides (well, Ashley did the Minions ride). We did spend time walking the whole park and taking part in the new Walking Dead ‘ride’.

September 18th, 2016 by alephnaught
Photos from Del Toro show at LACMA
My son Nathan and his partner Ashley visited us. Luckily the show of Guillermo del Toro’s materials was up at LACMA so we all went. Here are some pics I took. Save

July 18th, 2015 by alephnaught
The Getty Villa (again)
I took Nathan and Ashley to the Getty Villa while they were in town – Ashley likes ancient things and I studied ancient history for over 3 years in college (6 credits of ancient Latin shy of a degree). The gardens are based on the gardens from Hadrian’s villa and they are beautiful – I […]

July 12th, 2015 by alephnaught
A few pictures for a Sunday
Here are a few photos I’ve taken recently – hope you like them.

July 7th, 2015 by alephnaught
Anime Expo 2015
My son and his fiance visited from Michigan and we spent two days at Anime Expo. I must admit it’s a pretty wild ride. There were a lot of people there: A very short video of the Taiko drumming at the start – they had drummers set up on both sides of the entry: You […]

May 3rd, 2015 by alephnaught
Picture of a tree
I really like this one – I envisioned the green peeking through a black & white trunk, so that’s what I did. Hope you like it.
July 13th, 2018 by alephnaught