1 class="post-185256 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-185256"> 2 class="post-184549 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184549"> 3 class="post-184141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184141"> 4 class="post-183980 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-183980"> 5 class="post-183502 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-183502"> 6 class="post-179848 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-179848"> 7 class="post-178713 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-178713"> 8 class="post-176053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-176053"> 9 class="post-144305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-ireland category-music" id="post-144305"> 10 class="post-1398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-crafts category-featured category-portfolio tag-555-timer-chip tag-computer-chip tag-earring tag-radio-shack tag-timer-chip" id="post-1398">

Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

My latest album, Swamp Songs, is available everywhere! This is a concept album dedicated to swamps – murky, smelly, and ultimately ren...

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> Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My latest album An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out on all the major streaming and music services! This album t...

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> An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

Here’s my 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis. Just like my last one, I had to hold this one til my day job bonus arrived so I could relea...

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> My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 5th full release, Something’s Missing, is now available on most streaming and purchase services. This has taken a little over a yea...

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> My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My 4th full release album, Virgin, is out and available on all the major streaming and downloading services. You can get links to the most c...

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> My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album direc...

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> My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: h...

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> “Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

My latest album is out, “Parallel Lines.” My music is influenced by various genres. I recorded this album at home. You can find ...

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> My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Finally had time to finish my new album, “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty.” You can download a zip of the MP3 files and ...

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> Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Make your very own IC earring

My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them.  I’v...

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> Make your very own IC earring

Preview of my next album, Virgin


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Preview of my next album, Virgin

I’m slowly posting final drafts of the songs for my next album, Virgin, on Soundcloud: I’ve posted all 11 songs and submitted them to CDBaby for distribution after January 19, 2021. I would really like feedback via comments in Soundcloud or here. I hope you like it!

Lyrics for Robot Sex


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Lyrics for Robot Sex

Because the robot voices can be hard to understand, I thought it would be good to post the lyrics along with some commentary about the words for each song. Robot Sex The lyrics were constructed – I created a list of words with the trans- prefix that I felt described some aspect of robot sex; […]

Robot Sex Album Notes


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Robot Sex Album Notes

I’ve been watching shows about robots entering society, things like Humans, Black Mirror, and Electric Dreams. Humans had an entire subplot about sex with robots. And that gave me the direction for this album – what does robot sex mean? All the ‘vocals’ on this album are synthetic since this is after all an album […]

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!


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My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album directly from my distributor, CDBaby.   It’s streaming on Google Play and Spotify right now. And the pre-release is still up on SoundCloud.   And you can download the […]

UGear mechanical box


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UGear mechanical box

I found this kit in the Los Angeles Science Center shop. They had a few different UGear models – I settled on the mechanical box. I assembled it in between 1 and 2 hours – it was pretty easy and required no glue. And it works – you can see it on a table in […]

King Tut exhibit


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King Tut exhibit

We visited the Los Angeles Science Center to see the King Tut exhibit. The exhibit was really nice – lighting made photography possible, and the texts were very informative. It was really crowded and it was possible to get close to all the objects I wanted to see. As usual I took a lot of […]

Photos from Dequindre Cut in Detroit


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Photos from Dequindre Cut in Detroit

A couple weeks ago we visited Detroit; Aviva took me to the Dequindre Cut, a former railroad line that’s now a greenway, walking/biking path, and graffiti art walk. Of course I took some photos and here they are.

Exhibits at the Getty


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Exhibits at the Getty

We went up the hill to visit the Getty Museum – we especially wanted to see the new acquisitions exhibit (including a drawing by Michelangelo). We checked out some of the other special exhibits of course, and here are some pics…

Some pics of Halsey performing at AT&T


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Some pics of Halsey performing at AT&T

We had Halsey on stage at the AT&T El Segundo office on Thursday; unfortunately the video I took ended up in slow motion. I did get a few pictures. The music was really good, it was very loud and the bass was thumping. Along with the food trucks and puppies to pet, it was a […]

Palazzo Strozzi and heading home


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Palazzo Strozzi and heading home

As usual we got out late and headed to the Palazzo Strozzi. We had lunch at their cafe which we really liked (I had a burger, Aviva a salad – we needed a break from Italian food). Then we took in the show “Il Cinquecentro a Firenze” which highlighted artwork from the 1500s in Florence. […]