1 class="post-185256 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-185256"> 2 class="post-184549 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184549"> 3 class="post-184141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184141"> 4 class="post-183980 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-183980"> 5 class="post-183502 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-183502"> 6 class="post-179848 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-179848"> 7 class="post-178713 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-178713"> 8 class="post-176053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-176053"> 9 class="post-144305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-ireland category-music" id="post-144305"> 10 class="post-1398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-crafts category-featured category-portfolio tag-555-timer-chip tag-computer-chip tag-earring tag-radio-shack tag-timer-chip" id="post-1398">

Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

My latest album, Swamp Songs, is available everywhere! This is a concept album dedicated to swamps – murky, smelly, and ultimately ren...

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> Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My latest album An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out on all the major streaming and music services! This album t...

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> An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

Here’s my 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis. Just like my last one, I had to hold this one til my day job bonus arrived so I could relea...

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> My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 5th full release, Something’s Missing, is now available on most streaming and purchase services. This has taken a little over a yea...

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> My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My 4th full release album, Virgin, is out and available on all the major streaming and downloading services. You can get links to the most c...

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> My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album direc...

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> My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: h...

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> “Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

My latest album is out, “Parallel Lines.” My music is influenced by various genres. I recorded this album at home. You can find ...

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> My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Finally had time to finish my new album, “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty.” You can download a zip of the MP3 files and ...

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> Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Make your very own IC earring

My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them.  I’v...

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> Make your very own IC earring


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Training to Florence

The train to Firenza (Florence) was uneventful and very comfortable (pay for first class, its not that expensive and the seats are nicer). We checked into the Albergo Pensione Centrale, which was not as clean as we would like and, gasp, lacked a TV in the room! The bathroom was so tiny they put the […]


Comments Off on Churches, churches, churches

Churches, churches, churches

We saw Benini’s greatest sculptures, a church designed by Michelangelo to match the ruins of Domician’s bathes, which the church adjoins, etc., etc. For my benefit we went to the Museo Napoleon; he spent a few years fighting in northern Italia and installed his son as the King of Roma. Our feet hurt, but we […]



The Vatican City

Two Jews go to the heart of Catholicism, the wealth of the ages settled in one place. Aviva said that its much more organized than when she and her mother, Lily, visited Roma about three years ago. We walked through a number of rooms. The most interesting was probably the map room, which is a […]


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Church day

Aviva was really psyched for today. We saw the tomb of Julius II in the Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (St. Peter's in Chains); Michelangelo never finished it, and so Julius II is actually interred in an unmarked grave in St. Peter's Basilica (Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to do the Sistine Chapel and main […]


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Our first day in Rome

We needed to replace one of our large bags, so we walked around the Spanish Steps area, near our hotel, to find a store that was recommended by the hotel. We ended up finding nice, large, rolling bag for about $45 US! While we looked, we visited the Trevi fountain designed by Bellini. We started […]


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Arrival in Rome

Our trip started eventfully – we called Yellow Cab to get a cab to the airport. They said it would arrive within 20 minutes. An hour later, we called back and they said it would be 10 minutes. Another 20 minutes, another phone call, this time requiring yelling at a supervisor at the cab company, […]


Comments Off on Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

A team of four of us from ABN AMRO went to Amsterdam to do a death march – that’s a project that shouldn’t be able to be done in the time allotted.  We did succeed; I worked 320 hours in 30 days, spending a total of 5 weeks in Amsterdam.  This was my second time […]


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Cannes, France

I was sent by the US chapter of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (DECUS) to the European Symposium in Cannes, France, in May 1990. This is a view of the west side of the harbor at Cannes, France, assembled from three shots. This is one of my favorite photos from Cannes – the Majestic […]


Comments Off on Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark

I worked for three months in Saudi Arabia at the naval base in Jubail on the Arabian Gulf managing the software for a C3I system (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence). This was my first job out of school. On the way out, I spent three days in Amsterdam and three days in Copenhagen; here’s a […]


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Jubail, Saudi Arabia

I worked for three months in Saudi Arabia at the naval base in Jubail on the Arabian Gulf managing the software for a C3I system (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence). This was my first job out of school. Here is the only picture I kept from my stay – its the remains of a fort […]