1 class="post-185256 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-185256"> 2 class="post-184549 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184549"> 3 class="post-184141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184141"> 4 class="post-183980 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-183980"> 5 class="post-183502 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-183502"> 6 class="post-179848 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-179848"> 7 class="post-178713 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-178713"> 8 class="post-176053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-176053"> 9 class="post-144305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-ireland category-music" id="post-144305"> 10 class="post-1398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-crafts category-featured category-portfolio tag-555-timer-chip tag-computer-chip tag-earring tag-radio-shack tag-timer-chip" id="post-1398">

Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

My latest album, Swamp Songs, is available everywhere! This is a concept album dedicated to swamps – murky, smelly, and ultimately ren...

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> Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My latest album An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out on all the major streaming and music services! This album t...

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> An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

Here’s my 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis. Just like my last one, I had to hold this one til my day job bonus arrived so I could relea...

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> My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 5th full release, Something’s Missing, is now available on most streaming and purchase services. This has taken a little over a yea...

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> My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My 4th full release album, Virgin, is out and available on all the major streaming and downloading services. You can get links to the most c...

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> My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album direc...

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> My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: h...

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> “Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

My latest album is out, “Parallel Lines.” My music is influenced by various genres. I recorded this album at home. You can find ...

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> My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Finally had time to finish my new album, “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty.” You can download a zip of the MP3 files and ...

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> Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Make your very own IC earring

My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them.  I’v...

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> Make your very own IC earring

Photos at DreamForce 2014


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Photos at DreamForce 2014

I attended DreamForce this year and I finally edited and organized my photos – here they are!

The canals of Venice (California)


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The canals of Venice (California)

We’ve lived here over 6 years and still haven’t seen a lot of California (yet). So we decided to check out the canals of Venice, CA. We took the dogs, they had a terrific time smelling everything. The original canals were designed by Abbot Kinney, one of the early developers of Venice – the ones […]

The #IceBucketChallenge at DIRECTV


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The #IceBucketChallenge at DIRECTV

We’ve started a new leadership program to take forward our award-winning F-12 effort (Fail Fast, Fail Fearlessly). One of our team learned about the ALS ice bucket challenge and asked us to join her – some of us agreed. I’m there in the video – the fat old guy one in from the front left.

Birthday at the office


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Birthday at the office

On Monday I left my desk for a few meetings and when I returned I found a balloon and cupcakes!

More photos, Tagine and Aviva


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More photos, Tagine and Aviva

Last week we visited Bergamot Station and saw a show I liked at TAG Gallery. The artist used an app called Waterlogue, so I downloaded it and played with it at dinner last night – we went to Tagine to celebrate my birthday on Friday. They didn’t have authentic tagine, and the food was very […]

Two pictures from the 4th


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Two pictures from the 4th

The Fourth of July is my birthday. I took a couple photos to remember.

Made In LA 2014


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Made In LA 2014

Aviva and I decided to have an art day yesterday, so we went to the Hammer Museum which is part of UCLA; this was my first time at this gallery. It’s very nice, modern, clean. We ate lunch at the cafe – very interesting eclectic menu; I had eggs and chick peas, and a drink […]

Chinatown in Los Angeles (photos)


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Chinatown in Los Angeles (photos)

Aviva and I decided to visit Chinatown; it’s always interesting, lots of tourist crap and some more interesting things. We found some clothes we liked, and fit us (which is a bit unusual – most of the clothes are for tiny people). And we had Vietnamese for dinner at Via Cafe. As usual, I took […]

Photos from West Hollywood


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Photos from West Hollywood

We decided to go to West Hollywood yesterday, and I took a few shots. When I got home and loaded them into iPhoto I realized I had a set of pics from a visit back on March 1, so here’s both sets! I especially wanted to call out Gottsui – great Japanese restaurant that specializes […]

Heaven & Earth show at the Getty Villa


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Heaven & Earth show at the Getty Villa

Aviva and I decided to check out the Getty Villa to see the Heaven & Earth show at the Getty Villa. This show highlights Byzantine art from their collection along with works from various Greek museums. The show illustrates how Byzantine art influenced and helped lead to the early Renaissance. No photos allowed. I wanted […]