1 class="post-185256 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-185256"> 2 class="post-184549 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184549"> 3 class="post-184141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184141"> 4 class="post-183980 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-183980"> 5 class="post-183502 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-183502"> 6 class="post-179848 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-179848"> 7 class="post-178713 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-178713"> 8 class="post-176053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-176053"> 9 class="post-144305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-ireland category-music" id="post-144305"> 10 class="post-1398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-crafts category-featured category-portfolio tag-555-timer-chip tag-computer-chip tag-earring tag-radio-shack tag-timer-chip" id="post-1398">

Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

My latest album, Swamp Songs, is available everywhere! This is a concept album dedicated to swamps – murky, smelly, and ultimately ren...

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> Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My latest album An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out on all the major streaming and music services! This album t...

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> An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

Here’s my 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis. Just like my last one, I had to hold this one til my day job bonus arrived so I could relea...

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> My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 5th full release, Something’s Missing, is now available on most streaming and purchase services. This has taken a little over a yea...

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> My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My 4th full release album, Virgin, is out and available on all the major streaming and downloading services. You can get links to the most c...

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> My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album direc...

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> My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: h...

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> “Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

My latest album is out, “Parallel Lines.” My music is influenced by various genres. I recorded this album at home. You can find ...

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> My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Finally had time to finish my new album, “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty.” You can download a zip of the MP3 files and ...

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> Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Make your very own IC earring

My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them.  I’v...

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> Make your very own IC earring

La Brea Tar Pits and Museum


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La Brea Tar Pits and Museum

I’ve lived in Los Angeles for over eight years and hadn’t been here. Nathan and Ashley wanted to go so it seemed like a good opportunity. And it was fun! We had lunch at the LACMA cafe (its a short walk from the Tar Pits across a park along the Tar Pits Lake) and then […]

Anime Expo 2017


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Anime Expo 2017

My son Nathan and his spouse Ashley came in to visit, and we spent two days at Anime Expo. It’s always fun – there are cool sessions and autograph opportunities along with an artist alley and exhibit hall full of people selling everything. This year was bigger than last year – on Saturday it was […]

The Handmaids of West Hollywood


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The Handmaids of West Hollywood

Aviva and I were at LACMA last weekend and just happened to arrive as some handmaids were leaving the museum. Here are a couple articles about this group, from the LA Times and TV Guide. Save Save



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Tokyo is like New York City on steroids. If you’re going to go to Japan, get a personal wi-fi device; we used it in the hotel rooms, it worked much better than the hotel wi-fis. The company we used, globaladvancedcomm.com, was recommended by a friend and the unit worked well for us, supporting up to […]



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We left for Kyoto Monday October 10. Getting to Kyoto took some help from people in the train stations – hopefully we’ll do better on the way back. If you stop and even look like a tourist that’s lost people will come up to you and demand to help you, even if they don’t speak […]

Pics from Universal Studios


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Pics from Universal Studios

Nathan, Ashley and I spent the day at Universal Studios – we didn’t do any rides (well, Ashley did the Minions ride). We did spend time walking the whole park and taking part in the new Walking Dead ‘ride’.

Photos from Del Toro show at LACMA


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Photos from Del Toro show at LACMA

My son Nathan and his partner Ashley visited us. Luckily the show of Guillermo del Toro’s materials was up at LACMA so we all went. Here are some pics I took. Save

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!


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“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/spring-rolls/id1091870154 And on Spotify at: https://open.spotify.com/album/2agxWs3yeLpvb0MzJIhvTr When it shows up on Amazon and eMusic I’ll provide more links. This album is held up at both ends by long progressive rock songs; in the middle is […]

The Getty Villa (again)


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The Getty Villa (again)

I took Nathan and Ashley to the Getty Villa while they were in town – Ashley likes ancient things and I studied ancient history for over 3 years in college (6 credits of ancient Latin shy of a degree). The gardens are based on the gardens from Hadrian’s villa and they are beautiful – I […]

A few pictures for a Sunday


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A few pictures for a Sunday

Here are a few photos I’ve taken recently – hope you like them.