Archive for July 28th, 2008
Yet another hobby shop (this time nearby)
At lunch I went to Scale Model Stuff; this is a little hobby shop that carries a bunch of neat stuff, especially tools and Italian wood kits. I bought some modeling putty for my Rat Fink kit, some sand paper, and a wood Roman Catapult model kit (I’m lusting after the Tamiya motorized tramway car).
July 28th, 2008 by alephnaught
New search site: Cuil
Its been a good day for reading the NY Times. I found an article (“Former Employees of Google Prepare Rival Search Engine“) on a new search engine, Cuil (pronounced “cool”), that’s being built by former employees of Google. The Wall Street Journal also has an article, “Former Google Engineers Launch Search Engine.” So I tried […]
July 28th, 2008 by alephnaught
We are subsidizing the increased price of oil
This one should be obvious – governments subsidize the price of goods or add tariffs to imports as a way to stimulate the local economy. The problem is, you can’t just turn it off; when you do, people feel real pain as jobs are lost, capacity is lost, and the general economy depresses. After reading […]
July 28th, 2008 by alephnaught
Only loan money to people that can pay it back
I found this quote in the article, “Worried Banks Sharply Reduce Business Loans,” from the NY Times today: “Mr. Epstein, forced to limit his production to what he can finance with his existing cash flow supplemented by his own money, has been tightening credit himself: He has been turning down orders from companies with any […]
July 28th, 2008 by alephnaught