1 class="post-185256 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-185256"> 2 class="post-184549 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184549"> 3 class="post-184141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-184141"> 4 class="post-183980 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal" id="post-183980"> 5 class="post-183502 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-183502"> 6 class="post-179848 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music" id="post-179848"> 7 class="post-178713 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-178713"> 8 class="post-176053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-music category-personal category-portfolio" id="post-176053"> 9 class="post-144305 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-featured category-ireland category-music" id="post-144305"> 10 class="post-1398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-crafts category-featured category-portfolio tag-555-timer-chip tag-computer-chip tag-earring tag-radio-shack tag-timer-chip" id="post-1398">

Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

My latest album, Swamp Songs, is available everywhere! This is a concept album dedicated to swamps – murky, smelly, and ultimately ren...

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> Swamp Songs is available everywhere!

An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My latest album An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out on all the major streaming and music services! This album t...

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> An Interesting Musical Opportunity Is In Your Near Future is out now!

My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

Here’s my 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis. Just like my last one, I had to hold this one til my day job bonus arrived so I could relea...

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> My 6th album, Continuum Hypothesis, is available everywhere!

My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 5th full release, Something’s Missing, is now available on most streaming and purchase services. This has taken a little over a yea...

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> My 5th album, Something’s Missing, is available everywhere!

My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My 4th full release album, Virgin, is out and available on all the major streaming and downloading services. You can get links to the most c...

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> My 4th album, Virgin, is out!

My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

It’s finally done – Robot Sex is out there and ready for you to listen to on your favorite services.   You can grab the album direc...

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> My new album Robot Sex is available everywhere!

“Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My new album Spring Rolls is available now on CD Baby at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alephnaughtandthenullset4 You can find it on iTunes at: h...

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> “Spring Rolls” is available on CD Baby, iTunes and Spotify!

My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

My latest album is out, “Parallel Lines.” My music is influenced by various genres. I recorded this album at home. You can find ...

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> My album Parallel Lines is now available on CD Baby and iTunes!

Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Finally had time to finish my new album, “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty.” You can download a zip of the MP3 files and ...

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> Download “Countably Infinite and Completely Empty” now!

Make your very own IC earring

My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them.  I’v...

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> Make your very own IC earring


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Walking and riding (sailing?) around Venice

The Ca’ d’Oro is a large art museum on the Grand Canal one stop north via Vaporetto No. 1 from the Rialto bridge. You get off at the Ca’ d’Oro stop and walk part way down the alley, er, street to the entrance. One of the famous pieces inside the museum is a painting of […]


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St. Mark's

Our hotel is right on a small canal, which explains why there is an odd odor when we open the window. However, its worth the odor to hear a guitar or accordion played on a passing gondola. We walked less than five minutes and spilled out onto St. Mark's Square and Basilica. The square is […]


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Training to Venice

We had a slow morning. While some work was being done by the rail line between Roma and Firenze, a World War II bomb was discovered. They decided to detonate it during the time our train was to arrive, so we were delayed two hours. But, we finally got our train and got to Venezia. […]


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When the weather is clear and warm, you must take the number 7 bus from the train station out to Fiesole. Fiesole is an old town (it dates back to the original Etruscans that settled before Firenze existed) on a hill that overlooks Firenze. Its small and charming. We ate at Ristorante Aurora overlooking Firenze […]


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Around town

We did the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, which was another Medici residence. There is a dynamite chapel upstairs in this building with a full-surround frescoe in exceptional condition. The frescoe tells the story of the Magi, with various real-life participants (including a portrait of Lorenzo Medici) and vivid color. We went back to the toy store […]


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Shopping and the Cappella Branccaci

What’s a trip it Italia without shopping, so we shopped in the morning. Then, after a delightful lunch (they almost all were), we went back to see the Cappella Branccaci. This is a large chapel across the Arno river from the main part of Firenze. The most famous work inside is Masaccio’s Expulsion from the […]


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San Marco and the Academia

On the way to San Marco, we saw a toy store that sells military miniatures, which are plastic or metal kits that can be assembled and painted to look like the uniforms and people that fought in wars a long time ago; I used to paint miniatures for a hobby when I was young, so […]


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Art day

Today we did the Uffizi; the word uffizi means office, and it was the office of the government of the Medicis in Firenze. They have a whole room of Botticellis, who is one of my favs. The square inside the Uffizi is packed with artists selling their wares (we bought a small watercolor of the […]


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How many churches can you see?

We decided to skip a side trip of three days to Siena and stay on in Firenze. We crossed the Arno (the main river in Firenze) on the Ponte Vecchio, the famous bridge that once housed butchers but now house gold and silver smiths because the odor of meat upset a Medici (the Ponte Vecchio […]


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Duomo and Santa Maria Novella

Our hotel is a very short walk from Santa Maria Novella, an old church right by the train station. There are some fine images on the walls of this church, whose square was dedicated in 1287. Below is a detail from one of the works. The Duomo is the center of Firenze and its huge. […]