Harvey And Etsuko’s Manga Guide To Japan
- Title: Harvey And Etsuko’s Manga Guide To Japan
- Author: Charles Danziger, Mimei Sakamoto
- Paperback: 160 pages
- Publisher: Japanime Co. Ltd. (August 8, 2007)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 4921205175
- ISBN-13: 978-4921205171
I saw this book at Kinokuniya Bookstore in Little Tokyo; it intrigued me so I bought it.
Its fun. The first half of the book is done in a combination manga / comic book style and gives an overview of what to expect when visiting Japan. The second half of the book is collection of short essays, called newsflashes, that expand on the various things shown in the graphic part of the book.
i think this is very successful – I plan to keep this book and use it when I prepare to go to Japan (someday I hope). Its a quick read, and I think it uses the combination of graphics and text well; this would be an excellent book on the Internet using hyperlinks to connect the graphic story with the underlying text.
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September 16th, 2008 by alephnaught