My first iOS 6 / iPhone 5 panorama photo (Venice Beach, Malibu)
We went to Venice Beach to check out a flea market, then went back to Malibu to have dinner at the Reel Inn, which is the best inexpensive seafood place we’ve found in the LA area. I decided to try the panorama feature of the new camera app – I think it worked well (it […]
Posted in California, Los Angeles, Travel - Foreign, United States, Tags: California, Malibu, Reel Inn, Seafood, venice beach, Venice Los Angeles
May 13th, 2010 by alephnaught
Aviva’s birthday!
We decided to go out for dinner; Aviva wanted to try a seafood restaurant in Calabasas called Kings. The food was very good; the decor was similar to family-style seafood places in Chicago, but the food was much better. Aviva had king crab legs and I had a steelhead filet with a dry rub – […]
Posted in California, Los Angeles, Personal, Travel - Foreign, United States, Tags: Calabasas California, Seafood
November 11th, 2012 by alephnaught