
I’m Working While They’re Sleeping: Time Zone Separation Challenges and Solutions (review)

April 1st, 2012 by alephnaught

I’m Working While They’re Sleeping: Time Zone Separation Challenges and Solutions (review)

Title: I’m Working While They’re Sleeping: Time Zone Separation Challenges and Solutions Author: Erran Carmel, J. Alberto Espinosa Paperback: 186 pages Publisher: Nedder Stream Press (January 1, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0983992509 ISBN-13: 978-0983992509 I’m involved in my fourth outsourcing effort, and this book is a must-read if you plan to off-shore. There are so […]

Book review: The Vested Outsourcing Manual

October 30th, 2011 by alephnaught

Book review: The Vested Outsourcing Manual

Title: The Vested Outsourcing Manual: A Guide for Creating Successful Business and Outsourcing Agreements Author: Kate Vitasek, Jacqui Crawford, Jeanette Nyden, Katherine Kawamoto Hardcover: 416 pages Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (June 21, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0230112684 ISBN-13: 978-0230112681 A disclaimer – the author sent me a free copy of this book. I had read and […]

Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing (review)

September 12th, 2011 by alephnaught

Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing (review)

Title: Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing Author: Kate Vitasek (Author), Mike Ledyard (Author), Karl B. Manrodt (Author) Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 1St Edition edition (February 2, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0230623174 ISBN-13: 978-0230623170 I’ve gotten myself into another outsourcing effort. On the plus side, the company selected a vendor that […]

Craft vs Factory – a simple graphic

April 16th, 2011 by alephnaught

Craft vs Factory – a simple graphic

When I told my boss one day that our waterfall development method didn’t work well, he countered that it was working fine in some parts of the organization. We talked about which ones and I noticed that those were areas where repeated, configuration-style work was performed.  I asked around and found that big projects, things […]

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