
Mission Buenaventura

July 3rd, 2011 by alephnaught

Mission Buenaventura

We decided to rustle up the dogs and head to Ventura to check out the last mission close enough to us to easily drive to. Mission Buenaventura is near the coast in the City of Ventura about 45 minutes from us (with traffic though it took about one and a quarter hours to get there). […]

The San Fernando Mission

February 21st, 2011 by alephnaught

The San Fernando Mission

We’re finally getting back to doing tourist stuff around southern California, so today we decided to visit the Mission San Fernando Rey de España.  It’s located pretty close to us; we took Iggy and Jett so they could also get out of the house and smell the, um, well, not roses. Also, Bob Hope’s family […]

Mission San Gabriel Archangel and Pasadena

January 22nd, 2011 by alephnaught

Mission San Gabriel Archangel and Pasadena

Aviva and I decided to bundle up the pooches and be a tourist – we drove out to Mission San Gabriel Archangel.  Here’s the blurb on the Mission from the one page flier you get for the $5 admission fee: Founded in 1771, only two years after the discovery of the Sari Gabriel Valley, San […]

August 31st, 2008 by alephnaught

Santa Barbara

We woke up Sunday looking for something to do.  Aviva wanted to go for a drive.  I suggested we go out to Santa Barbara.  So Aviva, Basil and I packed into the Prius and headed west. It took about two hours to get out there because somebody got rearended on the highway; auto accidents around […]