Italy vacation 2012

Our first day in Verona

May 30th, 2012 by alephnaught

Our first day in Verona

We got up very early, sometime just after 4A; we drank the Coke Zeros and got cleaned up; breakfast starts at 7:30A so we had plenty of time. Breakfast was very European – cheese, meats, breads, yogurt and some cereal – we thought the eggs were hard boiled but no, they were raw. There was […]

Arrival in Verona

May 29th, 2012 by alephnaught

Arrival in Verona

This is our first vacation in four years, and for me it’s an experiment in new technology. I’m not bringing a laptop – I have an iPhone and an iPad; I’ve set up the iPhone with international service, voice and data, and the iPad will go WiFi only. I have a bluetooth keyboard from Perixx, […]