cirque du soleil
Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium
Here’s a link to the page from Cirque du Soleil in case you want to learn more about this show and to get tickets. Aviva and I braved the cold (its just now getting above freezing here) to see the show last night. It was similar but different from the other shows we’ve seen. This […]
July 17th, 2006 by alephnaught
Went to see the new Cirque du Soleil show last night!
Aviva and I try to make the new Cirque du Soleil shows when they come to Chicago; we got hooked over six years ago. Corteo was a bit different – the acrobatics were a little less over the top, there was more dancing, the usual helping of comedy (but perhaps a little less going out […]
February 19th, 2007 by alephnaught