Anime Expo and other recent stuff
A lot has happened over the last month; I was promoted at work to Director and have about half of DIRECTV’s CRM systems (and now that I’ve counted a heck of a lot of folks). My son came to visit on my birthday – we spent two days at Anime Expo, it was amazing – we spent 1.5 hours in line to get badges Wednesday night, and I figure that was an endurance test to make sure you could survive the conference. It was amazing – first for all the people (including my son) who dressed up in costumes (cosplay), and second for all the people my son knows in the steampunk and anime scenes. On Friday night we had dinner with our friends Jimi and Mitch (Mitch made dinner, it was amazing) – they had folks over and we played Cards Against Humanity – if you haven’t checked this game out, you should, it was fantastic (granted partly thanks to the fabulous people sitting around playing). We had dinner in Little Tokyo on Sunday. And this weekend Aviva and I went to the Getty to check out the Gardens of the Renaissance show – a nice collection of illuminations and a couple paintings, and a photography exhibit of Hamaya and Yamamoto – two Japanese photographers that epitomize the dichotomy of traditional and experimental Japanese photography from World War II through the 70s.
And here are the obligatory photos; enjoy!
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July 14th, 2013 by alephnaught