Archive for July, 2013
California Science Center
My company, DIRECTV, rented the California Science Center for the night – we’d never been there before so this was a great chance for Aviva and I to check it out. This is where the space shuttle Endeavor ended up; it’s in a huge hanger-like structure with a lot of related material surrounding it. It’s […]
Posted in California, Los Angeles, Travel - Foreign, United States, Tags: California Science Center, DIRECTV, Space, Space Shuttle, Space Shuttle Endeavour, technology
July 14th, 2013 by alephnaught
Anime Expo and other recent stuff
A lot has happened over the last month; I was promoted at work to Director and have about half of DIRECTV’s CRM systems (and now that I’ve counted a heck of a lot of folks). My son came to visit on my birthday – we spent two days at Anime Expo, it was amazing – […]
Posted in California, Los Angeles, Travel - Foreign, United States, Tags: Anime Expo, Aviva, Cosplay, DIRECTV, Friday, little tokyo, renaissance, World War II
July 28th, 2013 by alephnaught