April 15th, 2005 by alephnaught
How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)
How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else) by the Electronic Freedom Foundation
April 3rd, 2005 by alephnaught
Java WebStart
A variety of things around Java WebStart and the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP).
March 30th, 2005 by alephnaught
March 10th, 2005 by alephnaught
February 12th, 2005 by alephnaught
February 5th, 2005 by alephnaught
January 27th, 2005 by alephnaught
Support of the future (today?)
While working on a large outsourcing effort, I got this link – it is simply hilarious!
January 8th, 2005 by alephnaught
Crossing the Chasm
Title: Crossing the Chasm Author: Geoffrey A Moore Softcover: 256 Pages Publisher: HarperBusiness; Revised edition (August, 2002) ISBN: 006051712 I keep coming back to this book whenever I need to build a product or new service; between this book, Under Pressure and On Time and The Innovator’s Dilemma, you have a good beginning marketing reading […]
January 8th, 2005 by alephnaught
April 19th, 2005 by alephnaught