San Francisco (photos)
We just got back from a short driving trip to San Francisco. I thought driving through the midwest was boring – try driving north to San Francisco from Los Angeles. In the summer, it’s brown. And more brown. And flat. Very flat.
We stayed in Hotel Tomo – a really good choice as long as you’re not using the BART to get around. The rooms are spacious and nice, and the hotel has an anime theme which is quite funny.
We went to the Legion of Honor – they have a show up of some of Darren Waterston’s works (he’s one of Aviva’s favorite artists).
I got to check out Robotspeak, a small shop on Haight that caters to electronic musicians. The owner, Steve, was in the shop – he was messing with a modular setup he had just been able to get working. That was fun. He also recommended a guy that sells circuit bent items – I ordered something on eBay that evening. And we shopped a lot and walked around Haight Ashbury. And of course we stopped in at Loved to Death – we love to visit Necromance in LA and Loved to Death is a cool similar shop in San Francisco.
All in all a fun trip.
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August 25th, 2013 by alephnaught