The Getty Museum
After driving home from ComicCon 2009, we decided to visit the Getty Museum, since Nathan, my son, had never been there. Its a picturesque large museum overlooking Los Angeles; the Getty has the largest art conservatorship in the United States. Aviva and I have been to the Getty Museum before to see the Bernini and Illuminated Manuscripts shows.
They always have a gallery with a book exhibit – this time was a collection of illuminations, which I find amazing. Sometime I’d like to do a WordPress theme based on an illuminated manuscript theme.
David and Goliath
There were two notable paintings in the museum’s collection that we saw:
The Adoration of the Magi by Andrea Mantegna, 1500
St. Luke by Simone Martini, 1330s
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July 24th, 2009 by alephnaught