Archive for April, 2009
For Toastmasters: Table Topics
Toastmasters is a structured program to learn how to give good speeches. One section of a meeting is called “Table Topics,” which is an opportunity for people to speak extemporaneously. It can be hard to develop good Table Topics questions, so I’d like to suggest two that worked (very well, I got a lot of […]
April 1st, 2009 by alephnaught
Blackberry App World quick review and pointer to a more detailed one
As I was reading the Engadget RSS feed, I saw an entry on Blackberry App World, so I grabbed a copy (you need to go to the Blackberry web site to download this application). And it seems to work. I’ve downloaded a free application already (a calorie counter) and will be downloading a few more. […]
April 2nd, 2009 by alephnaught