Archive for September, 2005
Three books on creativity
I have an active interest in creativity, and here are three books I read (pretty much in a row) on the subject: The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms , Margaret A. Boden, BasicBooks, 1992, 0-465-01451-8 Software Creativity , Robert L. Glass, Prentice-Hall, 1995, 0-13-147364-6 Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Business Creativity for the 90s , Michael […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
I’m interested in creativity and here are some books I recommend on the subject.
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Aligning the Stars
Title: Aligning the Stars Author: Jay W. Lorsch, Thomas J. Tierney Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Harvard Business School Press; 1st edition (April 26, 2002) ISBN: 1578515130 This book is about how to align top performers in a professional services company. The PSF (Professional Services Firm) business model is based on helping the client make money, […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Software Craftsmanship: the New Imperative
Title: Software Craftsmanship: the New Imperative Author: Pete McBreen Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (August 23, 2001) ISBN: 0201733862 I had been looking for a book that captured some of the ideas that had been revolving round my head for the last couple of years. I’ve been involved with a few software […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Death March
Title: Death March Author: Edward Yourdon Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 2 edition (December 7, 2003) ISBN: 013143635X Two things of interest I found in Death March by Edward Yourdan: Formal risk management — This is a concept I’ll discuss later in this chapter. Agreement on interfaces — hardware interfaces, software interfaces, and […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Human Error
Title: Human Error Author: James Reason Paperback: 316 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press (October 26, 1990) Language: English ISBN: 052131419 Overview This book is very academic, but does have useful information about the reasons people make mistakes and how to categorize them. This kind of information is crucial for understanding how to make software more […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Under Pressure and On Time
Title: Under Pressure and On Time Author: Ed Sullivan Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Microsoft Press; 1 edition (April 4, 2001) Language: English ISBN: 073561184 Under defining requirements (p. 143), Ed suggests defining general requirements and then more and more specific sub-requirements. Then, on p. 150, Ed draws a rectangle for categorizing requirements (pp. 148 Â […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught
Bang! Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World
Title: Bang! Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World Author: Linda Kaplan Thaler, Robin Koval Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Currency (January 18, 2005) ISBN: 0385508174 This is a brief report on my attendance at a Company of Friends discussion of the book Bang!: Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World. In addition to […]
September 11th, 2005 by alephnaught