the Louvre

Paris and the Louvre
We got a comfortable start to the day – we’ve been waking up at 7AM but not getting out of the hotel til around 10AM most mornings. The weather has been superb, partly to mostly sunny with highs in the 70s F. Today we took a cab to the Louvre – we could have walked, […]
December 26th, 2001 by alephnaught
Day 7
We stopped at a bank and bought 2 Euro starter kits – I gave some of the coins to people I work with. The front of the coins are the same in all 12 member countries, but the back is unique for each country. The Euro goes into effect as currency January 1, 2002 (it […]
December 21st, 2001 by alephnaught
The Louvre
We got a late start friday – Aviva went to a Sennelier store (they make and sell excellent pastels – I bought a box of them when I went to Cannes) while I went to a local cybercafe to email Gary Silverman, one of my colleagues at work. We took the subway, with a transfer, […]
July 21st, 2007 by alephnaught