Norman architecture

Today we got going slowly, did a small amount of shopping near the hotel, including finally getting Aviva a European current heating pad, and then took a cab up to Monreale. We arrived outside the Duomo in the main square in Monreale; Monreale is a small town on a hill about 8 kilometres outside of […]
Posted in italy, Monreale, Palermo, Travel - Foreign, Tags: Architectural history, architecture, Monreale, Naples and Sicily 2005, Norman architecture, William II

October 3rd, 2005 by alephnaught
Palermo – gruesome and amazing
We rented a cab for the morning. We started out at the Catacombe dei Cappuccini, which has the mummified remains of over 800 Palermitans, including children; the last is a two year old girl in 1912. This was really eerie; the remains, sometimes with some flesh attached, are clothed and standing up or laying down, […]
October 5th, 2005 by alephnaught