
August 27th, 2008 by alephnaught


I’m working on my second speech for Toastmasters, and decided to describe the differences in cultures I found in traveling from Jubail, Saudi Arabia to Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  Then I found this article in the New York Times, “Nudists Want State to Look the Other Way.” This article describes a continuing battle between nudists who […]

April 27th, 2005 by alephnaught

The UnDutchables

Title: The UnDutchables: An Observation of the Netherlands, its Culture and its Inhabitants Author: Colin White, Laurie Boucke Paperback: 310 pages Publisher: White-Boucke Publishing; 4th edition (September 1, 2001) ISBN: 1888580224 Read this one on my flight home from my latest trip to Amsterdam (starting to feel like I live there). This book was suggested […]