Java WebStart
WebStart is a web-based deployment and execution system provided by Sun Microsystems for Java; it is based on the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP), which is an open standard. There are open source alternatives to Java WebStart that use JNLP to control the software lifecycle. You’ll need to install WebStart to try out the demos below – click here and start deploying applications over the Internet and Intranet!
I gave a PowerPoint lunch and learn on WebStart and JNLP.
Here are some of my programs in WebStart form. They are being served up via PHP scripts because my provider won’t edit their mime.types for the server to add the JNLP type – the scripts redirect the JNLP files to the right mime type. Unfortunately, this means that Internet Explorer users may have problems with some versions of IE – IE doesn’t handle HTTP headers like all the other browsers.
- Broadcaster – broadcast messages to groups of subscribers on GoogleTalk.
- KML Editor – a simple editor for KML files suitable for Google Maps, Google Earth and other applications. This editor allows for raw text editing, addition of timestamps and timespans for placemarks, and merging of KML files.
- TrackMyTime – a suite of programs for tracking time across projects/activities/tasks (Click here for more details)
- FlatFileFields – a program to create an XML file describing the fields in a flat file
- ShowBitTorrentContents – a program to display the contents of BitTorrent files.
- JNLP File Editor – A program to edit JNLP XML driver files.
- ManifestViewer – A program that uses the Java Class Library tools to look inside a jar’s manifest file
- PropertiesViewer – A program to display the system properties in the JVM, allowing copy/paste of the data
- RSS What’s Up? – A program to read a local mirror of a web site, where development takes place, and create an RSS V. 1.0 feed file from the most recently changed files
- Manage Preferences – A program to add and delete java.util.prefs preferences.
- Metra – A program to retrieve Chicago Metra train schedules in HTML format and convert them to XML.
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