The Duomo Museum and the Medici Riccardi
Yet another late start – it’s become standard, we get up and eat a leisurely breakfast and then go out for the afternoon.
Today Aviva and I went to the Duomo Museum, which has been complete remodeled. It is now really modern and wonderful, they’ve got a multi-floor model of the Duomo showing key sculptures.
Then we split up, she went shopping for jewelry and I went to the Medici Riccardi and a couple anime / hobby shops. The Medici Riccardi houses the Chapel of the Magi, painted by Benozzo Gozzoli, which is a must-see in my book if you visit Florence. It’s one room and it’s a complete show-stopper.
- October 2, 2017 @ 00:29:37 [Current Revision] by alephnaught
- October 2, 2017 @ 00:29:37 by electricbob
- October 2, 2017 @ 00:28:32 by electricbob
September 19th, 2017 by alephnaught