Photos from Pasadena


Photos from Pasadena

We decided to bundle up the dogs and go to Pasadena – Aviva noticed a show up at a gallery we hadn’t heard of, she wanted a catalog and you could only get it there.

Our first stop was Offramp Gallery, which has a show up of Lisa Adam’s new work, titled “Born This Way.” The work is much smaller and more intimate than her previous work.

Then we drove to Old Pasadena and walked around on Holly; we had a great snack at the Market on Holly (Aviva bought me some French pear nectar, it was like drinking a pear), bought a few things (including a birthday card for my sister who turned 60 yesterday – I completely lost track of the calendar thanks to stress from work the last few weeks). Then we moved the car to Raymond, shopped a little more (especially at Distant Lands) and had dinner at redwhite+bluezz – the food was good, I’d call it chef’s menu; for example, my free-range roasted chicken had a white chocolate sauce.

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