Aviva’s studio tour, part of VAST


Aviva’s studio tour, part of VAST

VAST (Valley Artist Studio Tour 2010) was this weekend; sponsored by the San Fernando Valley Arts Council, VAST gives its members an opportunity to show off their work and invite non-artists into their studios.  Last night was the reception for the event – quite a number of people showed up, the food was good, and there was a person playing jazz on an electronic piano…. I’d guess about 35 people have visited Aviva’s studio so far, and there’s still 1/2 a day left.

Because Aviva was working in a room in our house, she worked in acrylics – she still prefers oils but found mediums she could work with in acrylics. Her new work is titled after drinks. Here’s Aviva’s web site.

Here are some photos:


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