December 7th, 2008 by alephnaught
Pasadena flea market
We visited the big flea market at Pasadena City College – they take over four floors of the parking structure; its really big!
A B2 bomber flew overhead for a while – must be a big airbase nearby
A sculpture on the (long) walk to the flea market from the parking area
We got a few little things, then drove across the city to go to our favorite bookstore in Santa Monica. We decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant, but we went into the one next door by mistake; it was basic red sauce Italian. The food was fresh and good and the staff was very helpful. The restaurant is La Bottega, and I’d recommend it as a neighborhood place to sit and have a quick meal.
The shoe car – Aviva swears she’s seen it driving around LA
The facade of La Bottega
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5:12 pm on December 14th, 2008
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