Man’s Search for Meaning
- Title: Man’s Search for Meaning
- Author: Viktor E. Frankl
- Paperback: 224 pages
- Publisher: Pocket; Rev&Updtd edition (December 1, 1997)
- ISBN: 0671023373
A friend recommended that I read this book – it provides a valuable perspective on how people handle those things that are in our control and those that are not. In addition, it describes his rationale for developing logotherapy, which seeks to have the patient discover the value of themselves and the meaning of one’s life.
Frankl survived the concentration camps during World War II. The first half of the book describes common scenes and behaviors along with some reasons Frankl ascribes to the behaviors. In the second half, he describes the theraputic approach he created and championed, one that is still in use today.
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Posted in Books,
March 10th, 2006 by alephnaught