The Prepared Mind of a Leader
- Title: The Prepared Mind of a Leader: Eight Skills Leaders Use to Innovate, Make Decisions, and Solve Problems
- Author: Bill Welter and Jean Egmon
- Hardcover: 304 pages
- Publisher: Jossey-Bass (October 24, 2005)
- ISBN: 0787976806
I’d give this book 5 out of 10 – the premise and some of the ideas are good, but the format used makes it less helpful for me. The title comes from a quote from Louis Pasteur: “Chance favors the prepared mind.” The authors seem to believe that there’s a standard form that the eight skills of a prepared mind use. The book then uses that form relentlessly for each one. It didn’t work for me; I found myself skimming parts of the book because it couldn’t hold my interest.
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Posted in Books,
March 4th, 2006 by alephnaught