Iggy and Jett play with a toy
Here are Iggy and Jett, starring in their latest video, fighting over a new stuffed toy.
December 7th, 2010 by alephnaught
Jett and Iggy – more photos!
It looks like we have a new addition to our family – Jett now sits happily on our laps, follows us around and is starting leash training along with some potty training. Yay! She’s small (I’d guess around 11 or 12 lbs.) compared to Iggy (who is getting close to 16 lbs. now) and her […]
November 28th, 2010 by alephnaught
Our new family member – Jett (ne Shania)
Toby just didn’t work out – he was hand shy and wouldn’t let us touch him let alone pick him up – I believe that if you can’t carry your dog you shouldn’t have him or her. So the breeder came by, took Toby back with her (for some serious socialization training) and dropped off […]
October 10th, 2010 by alephnaught
Portrait of Iggy
Aviva took Iggy to have his portrait photographed at a local pet store:
September 26th, 2010 by alephnaught
Jett, a new member of our family
We want to get another dog; dogs are pack animals and we think Iggy would like having a second dog, and another dog would get all the love and food and care they could desire. The breeder that sold us Iggy has a smaller 11 month old female, Sissie – she brought her over today […]
September 6th, 2010 by alephnaught
Iggy likes to eat while lying down (video)
I took this video last night with my Flip. Iggy likes to eat lying down, Greco-Roman style. It’s really funny – as you can see, he’ll move the food around with his snout so he can eat more. He ate most of his dinner this way last night.
August 8th, 2010 by alephnaught
The schipperke party
Yesterday we took Iggy to a schipperke party. Yes, that’s right – there were 24 schipperkes in one place! So adorable! The dogs were all very well behaved, played and lounged together. Iggy won the award for “Best Dressed!” The pot luck was great, we made pizzas with fresh basil, all the food was really […]
July 16th, 2010 by alephnaught
Iggy pulls at Aviva’s dress
Iggy’s started to get nippy with us, and he’s started pulling on Aviva’s dress, especially if I touch her; he’s getting very jealous. We’re going to start telling him no, but this one time was cute so we filmed it. Hope you like it!
July 3rd, 2010 by alephnaught
Iggy, are you going to chew that thing? (video)
Iggy is a very submissive dog – I’ve never had a dog so willing to go on his back before. Here, he’s got a bully stick (that’s dried bull penis in case you didn’t know, much better for dogs than rawhide, unfortunately a lot more expensive too) in his mouth but he’s just laying there. […]
June 27th, 2010 by alephnaught
Iggy loves dogs on TV
Whenever Iggy sees or hears a dog on TV, he stares intently and then starts barking and doing pat-a-cake; this video is the tail end of his reaction to a segment on CBS Sunday Morning on rescuing a dog.
December 27th, 2010 by alephnaught