
Make your very own IC earring
My geekiest fashion accessory is my IC earring; I’ve made several because friends have asked (sometimes demanded!) them. I’ve also been stopped numerous times when wearing this – everyone wants to know if that is a computer chip? And they’re easy to make! Go to Radio Shack or another electronic components shop – purchase one […]
Posted in Crafts, Featured, Portfolio, Tags: 555 timer chip, computer chip, earring, Radio Shack, timer chip

August 9th, 2007 by alephnaught
Paper model of Chartres Cathedral – IT’S DONE!
I bought a model to assemble of the famous Chartres Cathedral in the Cathedral gift shop, and this entry will track how I put it together. The model is large, at least 2 1/2 feed long and a foot or so wide. Its pretty complex with a lot of little parts (mostly the flying buttresses), […]
April 21st, 2009 by alephnaught