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Paris, December, 2001 - Day 3

December 22, 2001

I finished Tulipmania this morning - it was a fun read, especially the parts about the history of the tulip and the anecdotes surounding the start of the tulip craze in the United Provinces. I think I'll work on South by Ernest Shackleton next (I've already read to where they are stuck on the ice).

We went to Notre Dame cathederal - it is quite simply awesome! We had lunch across the seine at Cafe Panis - a sandwich and salad today. Then, refreshed, we headed to the Musée National du Moyen Age, better known as the Cluny museum, the national museum of the middle ages. We went into St. Severin, where the organist was practicing and improvising. Our last stop of the day was the church of St. Julien le Pauvre, which has been converted to a Greek Orthodox church.

Tonight we celebrated our anniversary with dinner at Paolo Petrini near the Arc de Triumph - the food was fabulous, very Italian and very good (but it wasn't cheap).

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