Our trip started eventfully - we called Yellow Cab to get a cab to the airport. They said it would arrive within 20 minutes. An hour later, we called back and they said it would be 10 minutes. Another 20 minutes, another phone call, this time requiring yelling at a supervisor at the cab company, and we had our cab. We made our flight in time and it was uneventful. We went to a cab stand in Roma at the airport and the cabbies fought over who should get to take us. When we arrived, I understood why - they charged us about $100 US for the ride; we learned our lesson (the hotel concierge told us that a Japanese couple had been charged $300 US for the same ride).... The pensione was very nice; the room had a TV with CNN in English (the only English television we were to see in Italia during our stay was CNN International, which we prefer to CNN US).
I started reading The Mask of Command by John Keegan; its about how Alexander the Great, Wellington, Grant and Hitler commanded their armies. I also brought along Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and Huxley's The Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell. I like to read while I'm on vacation, as I mostly read dry computer magazines and books for work.
email to Bob at electricbob@alephnaught.com
email to Aviva at avivakramer@earthlink.net