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La Specola

La Specola is one of the largest zoological museums in Europe, founded by at least 1775. Its up four flights of concrete and marble steps, so take your time. There are a tremendous number of stuffed animals from all over the world, and in some cases specimans kept in fluid under glass. The end of the exhibit is a large collection of anatomical wax models of humans disected in various ways and in component parts. In addition, there are drawings of the anatomy around the walls. One of the coolest models is of a pregnant woman showing how the baby is positioned and how much the uteris stretches to accomodate - birth is quite an amazing thing!

Wax model of twins
"La Peste"(The Plague) by Giulio Gaetano Zambo, 17th century
Ticket for entry to La Specola
The sign outside La Specola
A statue of Torrcello ouside La Specola

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