The Savvy Presenter: 100 Tips for Mastering Presentations


The Savvy Presenter: 100 Tips for Mastering Presentations

I saw this book in an independent bookstore in LA; I wanted to give them some business so I bought it.

The book is a sparse collection of 100 tips to better public speaking and improved presentations. The sparse nature of the pages (I know white space is an important design element, and therefore this book would qualify as a design example I suppose…) made me question the price I paid for the book. I also didn’t like the duplication of tips – some of the tips overlap greatly. And the illustrations were cheesy and didn’t provide additional information over the tips themselves – a lost opportunity.

On the other hand, all the tips are valid and would be included in evaluations of Toastmasters speeches, for example, but most likely for a less-experienced speaker; for example, tip #72 is:

“As you discuss each main point, insert a statement reinforcing its importance. You can be so bunt as to say: “This is important because …” or “The advantage of this approach is …” (p. 110)

There is an index of topics, which should be included in any “tips” book.

Therefore, if you aren’t very experienced with speaking in public, and you like books you can skim, or books that provide concrete suggestions, this book might be for you.


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  1. purplehayz (purplehayz)
    4:07 pm on May 9th, 2010

    New post: The Savvy Presenter: 100 Tips for Mastering Presentations

  2. Tweets that mention Toastmasters | Aleph Naught & the Null Set --
    10:05 am on May 10th, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by purplehayz. purplehayz said: New post: The Savvy Presenter: 100 Tips for Mastering Presentations […]

  3. James Garcia
    8:45 am on May 23rd, 2010

    i remember when i was still in high school, i always fear public speaking engagments.`*~

  4. admin
    10:27 am on May 23rd, 2010

    You could try Toastmasters if you feel a need to get more comfy speaking in public.

    Thanks for the comment! – Bob

  5. Abigail Clark
    11:57 pm on September 13th, 2010

    when i were in high school, i am always afraid of public speaking~~~

  6. Petrol Leaf Blower :
    10:29 am on October 24th, 2010

    i think everyone would have an anxiety attack during public speaking. publick speaking requires a good deal of self-confidence-~*

  7. Female Reproductive System
    8:32 am on December 21st, 2010

    i think that everyone have a fear of public speaking in one way or another `””

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